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Target to cut carbon emissions may be increased

"The new energy and climate change secretary Ed Miliband yesterday hinted he will today accept proposals from Lord Turner's climate change committee to increase Britain's target to cut carbon emissions from 60% to 80% by 2050."

Category: Climate Change


Climate: Seeing the wood

"Consider two propositions. First, avoiding climate catastrophe could require cuts in carbon emissions of as much as 80%. Second, deforestation accounts for 17% of the total. The upshot is obvious."

Category: Climate Change


Climate plan concern as EU meets

"Green groups are fearful that a summit opening in Brussels will see attempts to dilute the EU's climate and energy package because of the economic crisis."


Software blocks car phone users

"A safety device which prevents drivers using mobile phones by automatically intercepting calls and text messages when they are moving has been unveiled."

Category: Transport


Material that turns waste heat into electricity

"Thermoelectric device could be attached to car exhaust to recycle wasted heat to power engine"

Category: Energy sources

Displaying results 1826 to 1830 out of 2977